Afterwards we came home and ate homemade pumkin cheesecake. My sister and I had a cooking contest to see whos cake would turn out BEST! My cake was fat-free and I must say it turned out really YUMMY! But Jess, you win in the overall. I will admit it.
My sister and I gave my mom the present we made her and I think she really liked it.
Then we pulled out my jumprope and discovered something I never knew. My mom is the best jump roper I have seen! She came jump so fast for a 58 year old who hadnt jumped in 40 years! Check this out...its not in fast motion.
Now I know where i get my jumping skills from. My mom is the greatest. She has had a really hard health year but she is finally feeling better and its good to have her back to "normal". She surprises me everyday at how strong she is. She works 10 hours a day and still comes home happy and upbeat. I can only hope I will be like that in 32 years! I love my momma!
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