Emory loves his nephews, all three of them. But Im going to be truthful here-- Taden is his very favorite. ( SSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - Dont let Joben know that) Emory gives Taden loads of kisses, wants to crawl everywhere Taden goes, and Taden can make Emory laugh and laugh and laugh. Just a couple of weeks ago Taden graduated from Kindergarten and we got to go to it! I love my TaTa. He's not even mine and i teared up a few times during the presentation. I made him some cupcakes. They didnt turn out as cute as I had imagined. I ran out of time and only had 20 minutes to decorate all of them :( I will get a second opportunity to redeem my graduate cupcake in August when my JOJO graduates! HOORAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are some pics of his birthday cupcakes that I never posted
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